Friday, March 27, 2009

My little one will be One in an hour!

It makes me quite sad. One year ago to the minute I was getting ready to push. At 1:18 a.m. she very gently glided out of my womb and into my heart. It only took a couple of pushes to bring my sweet baby girl into this world. She was beautiful from the start. She just barely cried for a minute. I looked at her and giggled. It was a truly blissful moment. I will never forget it. Now I am trying to wind down although my to do list is still buzzing in my head. I've wrapped gifts, baked cakes, somewhat decorated them (still have more to do), and cleaned up a bit. I still have to finish the cakes, finish making her cake shirt, take first birthday pictures, go have her balloons blown up, decorate, cook, get party favors (if other kids are going to come), finish cleaning the house and I'd like to pick up another gift for Mylie and something small for Talise for being such an amazing big sister. I cannot believe it's been a year already. Although it went by quickly it was great. She's such a sweet girl. She's starting to walk! It's difficult not to discourage her! I don't know when or if I will be able to have another baby and I'd like her to stay my baby for longer. She has her one year check up on Monday.

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