Friday, July 22, 2011

Myths or Lies?

I love the holidays. I go all out for my kids. Especially Talise, aka Emma. She was my only for 7 long years so my ex and I went to extremes, mostly for Christmas. I've gotten co-workers to write letters from Santa to her. I've dipped the soles of my exes work boots in flour to leave snowy foot prints across my floor from the fireplace to the tree (she was 4) I've sent video messages to her. I've done the I caught Santa photo's. I've even participated in the whole elf crap, not my favorite. The point is I wanted her to be as child like as possible for as long as possible. I wanted the holidays to be magical and exciting. They were. She's always loved Christmas and has believed in Santa as hard as she could...until now. She went to camp. Several girls told her that they caught their parents and that Santa wasn't real, but she could believe what she wanted. She asked. It wasn't the first time either. She's almost eleven, so I broke down and told her the truth. Oh My Goodness! She flipped! Why would I lie to her? Is the Easter Bunny real? What about her elf? So all that was me? Question after question I calmly answered and explained. I told her that when she has children of her own and she sees their little eyes light up with excitement about it all she'll understand. I sure hope she does. She has been going through this everyone hates me stage. I explained that I did those things out of love for her. Otherwise, why would I go through all the trouble? Believe me, some nights were miserable trying to set things up, remember to toss cookies, or crackers for the elf and move his spot. Especially the last two years between working over night and being a single parent it was not easy, but well worth it. Ive warned her not to spoil it for her sister and brother. She better keep her trap shut! She was quite upset about all the lies though. Trying to make her understand that love was behind them was not as convincing for her as I would have liked. Once she found out that she'll still get gifts she was much better about the situation though, that's my girl!

1 comment:

  1. How about traditions??? One your Mom did for you and now that you do for them. Knowing kids she probably was most worried about continuing to receive the presents! haha! My neice and nephews pretended to believe for the past few years because they thought they wouldn't get presents if their Mom knew they knew!
